Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What do we do with your information?

As part of our buying and selling procedures, when you purchase something from our shop, we will collect your personal data like your name, email address and address.

If you visit our website We also receive your Internet Protocol (IP) address to give us information that helps us learn about your operating system and browser.

Marketing via email: We\’ll only email you updates only if you have given us permission.


What can I do to give my permission to you?

We will accept your consent if you provide us with your personal details to carry out a specific transaction. This may be to check your information on your card or to make an order arrange a delivery or even return something.

If we ask you to provide details about yourself by us, for a second reason (such as for marketing) We will either directly ask for consent or provide you with an opportunity to deny.

Section 3: Disclosure

We are able to disclose the personal information you provide us in the event that we are compelled by law to do so or if you violate our terms of service.


Third-party vendors that we engage will collect, use and share your personal information in the limited extent necessary for them to perform our services.

But, some services provided by third parties, such as payment gateways as well as transaction processors are governed by their privacy policies with respect to the information we are required to provide to them for purchases.

It is recommended that you read the privacy guidelines of these companies to ensure you know the way your personal information is used by them.

It\’s important to be aware that certain service providers could be located, or even possess their own facilities in a country or jurisdiction which is not your own. If you opt to conduct transactions that require the services of third party providers Your personal information could be subject to law in the country that the provider is located or has facilities.


Our reasonable precautions to ensure that the information you provide us with is not misused or lost are followed by industry standards.

When you give us your credit card details, they are encrypted with secure socket layer (SSL) technology, and later saved using AES-256. Although there is no 100% safe method for transmitting data over the Internet and then storing it electronically We are in compliance with all PCI DSS requirements.

Section 6 – Age of CONSENT

When you use this website by using this site, you warrant that you\’re at the threshold of majority for your state or province of residence, or you are at least the maximum age for your state or province of residence. You have also agreed to permit any of your minor dependents to access this website.